Trusted by Brands and Organizations Worldwide
You will be assessed in the 5 key areas of Trusted Business Leadership

The best leaders are intensely future oriented. They have a clear vision of what they want their future to look like. Discover the importance of executives who hold a vision of an ideal future of the business.

Strategic Planning
The leader must make every effort to muster the resources of the business and direct them toward achieving the vision. The beginning point is to think strategically about how to most achieve the vision.

Internal Communication
Effective communication doesn't come easily to many people, and yet it is one of the most important aspects of leadership. Effective communication gives executives the foundation to work from as a leader.

Influential Leadership
The executive's team relies on his/her ability to lead, and it’s critical to acknowledge the team and the clients’ role in making him/her the leader that they are. There is no such thing as a leader without followers.

Time Management/
One of the prime differentiators between successful and unsuccessful people is their level of productivity. Successful people achieve more and better results in less time than unsuccessful people.
How will this help me?
Today, executives are looking to assess their job performance and fiecely make the necessary changes to take their career to the next level.
They know that honestly and objectively assessing their performance is critical to their and the company's success.
Take this short assessment to find out where you rank in their executive leadership development.
Your answers to the questions will be confidential and used only to help seek clarity in those areas.
What did you want when they started in business?
If you're like most executives, it would have included some of the following concepts:
- Having a clear vision.
- Leading with confidence.
- Achieving major goals.
- Working with a unified and motivated team.
- Communicating effectively with internal stakeholders.
- Managing their time effectively in their professional and personal lives.
If you happen to be like most executives, chances are your current reality doesn’t quite reflect the visions you once had.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can achieve effective leadership, inspire their team, and increase professional productivity for the overall success of the business.
Click below to evaluate yourself in the five critical areas of executive development: Corporate Vision, Strategic Planning, Workplace Communication, Time Management and Productivity, and Influential Leadership.

Take the test to evaluate yourself as an executive.
At the end you will receive a comprehensive analysis of you results that dives deeper into the 5 categories of Executive Leadership.
This report includes tips and tricks, and next steps to further your development.
Who We Are
FocalPoint Coaching & Training is a franchise organization of Business and Executive Coaches and Trainers who work with executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners, to help enhance their companies and their lives by leveraging the coaches’ business experience and our the FocalPoint content.
We take the proven business coaching techniques of the world-famous business trainer and author, Brian Tracy (google him), and blend them with the business skills and experience of our coaches.